News and Events: Gretchen Williams
On Monday, we asked you to share how you’re being mindful and stepping away from technology during this time. This is what Thuy had to […]
For most of us, our entire days are spent using technology. It’s great to have constant access to the world, but it’s necessary to be […]
Last Monday, we asked how you’re keeping your brain engaged and creativity flowing while staying at home. Here’s what a few of you shared. Colleen […]
The entire IFG team is realizing how important it is to stay active during the shelter in place order. Finding creative ways to spend your […]
Over the past 10 years, as IFG has grown, so has our strong community commitment and the service value that we bring to each and […]
As a leader I have sought to consistently promote creativity, encourage out of the box thinking, and support challenging the status quo. Over time, I have learned that not every idea will be successful, but failure can be one of our greatest teachers.
How do you respond to change? What steps do you take to navigate? How are you ensuring that your people are on the bus? Far too often, the least amount of emphasis is placed on the people side of change management.